Uterine prolapse can affect women of all ages, and the condition causes the pelvic ligaments and floor muscles to weaken and stretch. When these tissues stretch, support for the uterus is reduced, and as a result of weakened support, the uterus begins to slip into or out of the vagina. Although this issue can affect all age groups, it’s much more common among postmenopausal women who have given … [Read more...]
Using a Vaginal Pessary for Uterine Prolapse Treatment
If you are suffering from uterine prolapse, it can be frightening. It's a condition that affects many women as they approach middle age or beyond. The ligaments and muscles in your pelvis can weaken with aging or after the strain involved from having several children. These muscles and ligaments are responsible for holding your uterus securely in place. If they become too weak, your uterus can … [Read more...]
Treatment Options for Uterine Prolapse
When the muscles and ligaments on the floor of the pelvis stretch and weaken, they may provide insufficient support for the uterus. When this occurs, the uterus can slip down into or protrude from the vagina. This condition is known as uterine prolapse. While it can happen to women of any age, it is more common in postmenopausal women who have experienced one or more vaginal deliveries. Other … [Read more...]