Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder, is most commonly caused by a urinary tract infection. While this condition is usually not serious, it can spread to the kidneys and cause dangerous complications if left untreated. We highly encourage you to learn more about the common causes of cystitis, symptoms you may experience and treatment options that are available. What are the Symptoms? A … [Read more...]
Cystitis – What is it and How is it Treated?
The medical term cystitis refers to inflammation of the bladder. The condition is most commonly caused by bacteria, in which case it is also called a urinary tract infection or UTI. Cystitis can also be a reaction to radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and certain medications or irritants like spermicidal jellies, feminine hygiene spray or catheters. Cystitis may be a symptom or complication of … [Read more...]