Thermi Aesthetics Skin Tightening is a relatively new form of minimally invasive, cosmetic treatment designed to improve body contours and overall appearance. In times past, cosmetic surgery required the patient to endure painful procedures that took many weeks and numerous post-operative visits to ensure success. Thermi Aesthetic Skin Tightening can be done in as little as one hour with virtually … [Read more...]
When to Consider a Skin Tightening Procedure
Without a doubt, if you want to look younger, you can do so if you head to a doctor or specialist and go under the knife. However, if you are like most people, you fear the process as invasive surgeries aren’t for everyone. For this reason, you should think about a laser surgery. With laser skin tightening, you can walk away looking younger and better with virtually no downtime or recovery. At … [Read more...]
ThermiTight Skin Tightening Benefits
If you're concerned about loose and sagging skin on your body, then you might just be a suitable candidate for ThermiTight skin tightening procedures. These minimally invasive treatments, as the name indicates, aim to give the skin a markedly tighter and smoother appearance. The technology is non-surgical. ThermiTight skin tightening offers a lot of potentially exciting benefits to patients. … [Read more...]