Urinary incontinence is the uncontrolled and involuntary release of urine. It is a common problem, especially in older adults. While embarrassing, it is usually not associated with any major health problems. However, female incontinence is still a common condition in gynecology. Types of Female Incontinence Acute incontinence is a temporary condition caused by a health problem. Urinary tract … [Read more...]
Reasons to Visit a Urogynecologist
As a woman, your body will go through a series of changes throughout your lifetime. Your menstrual cycles, pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, gravity and the aging process can affect you in many ways. Your pelvic floor may be one of your greatest concerns. Think of the pelvic floor as a sling that is holding your reproductive organs, your bladder and your bowel in the proper position. If these … [Read more...]
Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery in Urogynecology
If you are a victim of a pelvic floor disorder, a problem treated by the field of urogynecology, it can wreak havoc on your life, causing chronic symptoms that you can't escape. The pelvic floor involves the intricate system of connective tissues, ligaments, and muscles that are located in the lower part of your pelvis. They create a support system or a safety net for your vagina, bowel, … [Read more...]
Urologist Vs Urogynecologist: What are the Differences?
Urogynecologists and urologists are both types of doctors. As such, they both spend many years in training. Between college, medical school, and a residency, they may spend 10 or 11 years learning the more basic aspects of their chosen disciplines. What is a urogynecologist? A urogynecologist is a reconstructive surgeon who specializes in treating disorders involving the pelvic region. Their … [Read more...]
How are Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Treated?
It's happening again. You're going to the bathroom all the time and even when you're done, it feels like you have to go again. Worse yet, it burns when you urinate. Your lower back and your abdomen hurt. A recurrent urinary tract infection has come to plague you. It's time to find a treatment that is effective, helping you to manage a condition that can really make you feel miserable. What … [Read more...]
Treatment Options for Uterine Prolapse
When the muscles and ligaments on the floor of the pelvis stretch and weaken, they may provide insufficient support for the uterus. When this occurs, the uterus can slip down into or protrude from the vagina. This condition is known as uterine prolapse. While it can happen to women of any age, it is more common in postmenopausal women who have experienced one or more vaginal deliveries. Other … [Read more...]
Reasons to Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening with Thermi250
Many unavoidable factors can damage skin. This causes it to sag, appear loose, and make you look significantly older than you are. Dermatological care has advanced through leaps and bounds. Surgical procedures are only required in moderate to severe cases of loose skin. This allows non-surgical skin lifts to remedy loose skin, wrinkles, and many other types of dermatological … [Read more...]
Treat Urinary Incontinence with a Urethral Sling
Urinary incontinence is such an embarrassment and inconvenience, causing those leaks that can be minor or extreme and coming on so suddenly that there isn't anything you can do about it. A cough, a sneeze, or laughter can send you running for a bathroom, and it's already too late, forcing you to wear protective liners and underwear to deal with the problem. You are not alone. Many women … [Read more...]
Non-Surgical Arms Tightening with Thermi
Sagging skin in the arms is unsightly. It is also a clear symptom of poor structural support. The skin is rather elastic, but when collagen levels decrease, the skin begins to wrinkle and fold. One of the revolutionary treatments for the tightening of arm skin is the Thermi heat procedure. Thermi heat probe treatment delivers carefully monitored energy to the tissues just beneath the skin. The … [Read more...]
Laser Vaginal Tightening with Thermi 250
As a woman, your body goes through many changes throughout your lifetime. You knew you could expect signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging. You never anticipated that there would be problems with your vagina. If you are suffering from a lack of sensitivity, a feeling of looseness, or problems with incontinence, it could all be due to changes to your vaginal tissue that have occurred over … [Read more...]